
Showing posts from March, 2020

Photo Album For Love Of Nature, Animals And Humans


Games from members of the Latvian Team

Here are the word games by the Latvian Team:

Honesty Posters


Our Honesty Journal


Honesty In My Folk Tales

Be honest (Nikita Arefjevs) There were 2 neighbors. One was an honest worker who earned money from honest work, and the other was a fraudster who deceived customers. Of course, the deceiver was richer than the honest one, but when everyone found out about his actions, he was deprived of all that he had earned and was left with nothing, while the honest man remained with his earnings. Be honest, the lie will come out sooner or later. Rostislavs Osipovs There were 2 grandmothers and each grandmother had a grandson. One grandmother was honest with her grandson, telling him that sweets and fatty foods are bad for health and physique, and despite the fact that the grandson wanted sweets, his grandmother fed him correctly-gave him vegetables and fruits, cereals and cereals. As a result, the grandson grew up beautiful, tall and strong. But the second grandmother was dishonest with her grandson, saying that you need to eat sweets and fatty foods to grow big and strong. The grandson ...